Peat: grants

Ulster Wildlife Trust

In 2023, we made 4 grants, totalling £1.3m in our Peat funding priority. On this page, you can explore all our grants in this priority.

Grants are listed with the most recent at the top. If you're having trouble exploring the grants list below, you can also explore and filter the results using 360Giving's GrantNav.

If you are interested in applying for funding under this priority, please see our guidance for support to learn more about the work we're looking to support under the relevant long-term outcome.

You can also find stories about our peat funding further down this page.

Zoielogic Dance Theatre

Our funding data

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Unlocking change


  • Peatland-Wareham Forest Dorset (C) Emma Goodyer.JPG

    Championing peat and restoring peatland at scale

    Jenny Dadd, Funding Manager and Our Natural World Lead shares what we’ve been doing – working alongside our amazing partners – to champion peat as a climate superpower and restore peatland at scale.

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  • Drosera rotundifolia© Natural EnglandAllan Drewitt.jpg

    This is it: peat bogs are the UK’s climate superpower

    Funding Manager and Our Natural World Lead, Jenny Dadd, writes why, when it comes to powerful solutions to the nature and climate crises, peat bogs are it.

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  • North Pennines-AONB-restoration_colour-ALo-e1585843411133-1024x767.jpg

    North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership (NPAP)

    NPAP is an alliance of organisations working together to promote public understanding and enjoyment of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and support the local economy.

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