Climate change

In everything we do, we recognise our role as an organisation in addressing the causes and impacts of climate change.

In 2021, we committed to ensuring our investment portfolio will be net zero by 2040 at the latest. Learn more about our approach to reaching net zero and our progress so far. We are also a signatory to the Funder Commitment on Climate Change. This means that we will report annually on our progress against the six goals listed below.

Read our 2023 update on progress.

We commit to:

Educate and learn

We will make opportunities for our trustees, staff and stakeholders to learn more about the key causes and solutions of climate change.

Commit resources

We will commit resources to accelerate work that addresses the causes and impacts of climate change. (If our governing document or other factors make it difficult to directly fund such work, we will find other ways to contribute, or consider how such barriers might be overcome).


Within all our existing programmes, priorities and processes, we will seek opportunities to contribute to a fair and lasting transition to a post carbon society, and to support adaptation to climate change impacts.

Steward our investments for a post-carbon future

We will recognise climate change as a high-level risk to our investments, and therefore to our mission. We will proactively address the risks and opportunities of a transition to a post carbon economy in our investment strategy and its implementation, recognising that our decisions can contribute to this transition being achieved.

De-carbonise our operations

We will take ambitious action to minimise the carbon footprint of our own operations.

Report on progress

We will report annually on our progress against the five goals listed above. We will continue to develop our practice, to learn from others, and to share our learning.

Learn more


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