Creative, Confident Communities

Hijinx Theatre

We want to strengthen the bonds in communities, helping local people to build vibrant, confident places where they can fulfil their creative, human, and economic potential.

Places where the local economy works better for the people who live there, where there is equality of access to arts and culture, and where communities are at the heart of change.

Working with others, we will contribute to three key impact goals by 2030:

  • Communities use their power to make change happen
  • Local economies work better for the people who live there
  • Culture and creativity build thriving communities

Learn more about our approach and what we've learned from over five years of place-led funding.

Our priorities

We have three priorities through which we believe we can best contribute to these goals over the next seven years.

If you would like to apply for funding under any of these priorities, please read our Guidance for Support.


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