Creative, Confident Communities: update to our strategy


We have updated our strategy for Creative, Confident Communities to better reflect what we hope to achieve and the types of work we want to support.

Last year, we launched our strategy, focusing our work on three strategic aims: to improve our natural world, secure a fairer future, and strengthen the bonds in communities in the UK. As our work for Creative, Confident Communities has developed, we have updated our strategy, which we hope better reflects what we hope to achieve and the types of work we are looking to support.

The changes root our work under ‘place’, supporting the diverse communities in a place to build vibrant, confident places where they can fulfil their creative, human, and economic potential.

The changes to our Creative, Confident Communities strategy do not mean that the types of work we want to support has changed. However, we hope the changes provide clarification, and make it easier for people who may be interested in working with us to understand whether we would be a good potential partner.

What’s changed?

Our updated impact goals and priorities are below, with the previous wording in brackets. You can learn more about the rationale and our long-term outcomes for each priority in our strategy or by clicking on the relevant priority in Creative, Confident Communities. We have also updated our guidance for support.

Impact goals by 2030 Priorities in the first 5 years
Communities use their power to make change happen.
(Communities take an active role in decisions that affect them)
Communities working together for change
Local economies work better for the people who live there Community driven enterprise and regeneration
(Community ownership and regeneration)
Culture and creativity build thriving communities
(Everyone can access the benefits of culture and creativity)
Community-led art and creativity
(Culture restoring communities)

Our other priority ‘Creativity transforming lives’ has been moved to our A Fairer Future strategic aim, under the impact goal: Injustice and structural inequality is challenged and changed.

What does this mean for new applications or applications already in process?

We appreciate that you may be working on an application to us under the previous wording or have an application in process. We will be taking this into account during the assessment process.

Please note, however, that from 1 January 2022, we will be assessing all new applications under the updated strategy and guidance.


If you have any questions or feedback about any of this, please do get in touch by emailing:

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Insights from place-led funding

We also wanted to take this opportunity to share some of what we have learned from place-led funding over the past five years, which has informed and shaped our strategy in Creative, Confident Communities.

Read more

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