Our Support


Sea Ranger Service

We make unrestricted, core, project, and delegated grants for charitable work in the UK.

On this page, you'll find more about our approach to funding, and what to expect from us as a funder.

Open and trusting grant-making

We are part of a community of funders and charities committed to open and trusting grant-making, a campaign coordinated by the Institute for Voluntary Action (IVAR).

Our approach to funding

Long-term, core funding
  • Around two thirds of our active grants are for core costs, or are unrestricted.
  • Most of our grants are for three years to five years.
Backing the work we care about
Flexible and open to learning
  • Our approach to learning is based on setting mutually agreed outcomes for the work we fund. We expect these outcomes to change over time.
  • We encourage organisations to tell us when things are not going well, and to change and adapt their work over the course of our grant.
  • We will only ask for information we need and use, and commit to sharing what we learn.
Our team and how we work

We have a mostly London-based funding team of 17 managing an active portfolio of 700 grants.

As an organisation, we developed a series of values that act as a guide for staff and Trustees about how we work at Esmée. You can learn more about how we work as part of our commitments to open and trusting grant-making.

2023 Grants in Numbers

See our overview of grant funding broken down by aim and priority, type of support, and amount awarded.

  • £48.3m

    Total value in main grants

  • 227

    Number of main grants awarded: the majority of these were for 3 to 5 years

  • 70%

    Percentage of main grants for unrestricted or core costs

  • 36%

    Percentage of main grants awarded to organisations new to Esmée

What to expect from Esmée

  • Clore Social Leadership

    Grant reporting

    Reporting to Esmée should be easy for you and valuable for both of us. We will only ask for information we need and use.

    Read more
  • The Community Farm

    Terms & Conditions

    Information on the general Terms & Conditions for organisations who accept a grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

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  • JustRight Scotland-JRS team members at the Roots of Refuge event (June 2023)

    Grant funding overview

    We spend around £45m to £50m each year in grants towards our funding priorities in support of our mission. On this page, you can find an overview of the grants we made broken down by type of support, amount awarded, and by aim and funding priority.

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  • IVAR-flexible funder pledge (7).png

    Open and trusting grant-making

    Learn about our commitments to open and trusting grant-making, which is part of a campaign launched by the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR).

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  • Esmée team at OrganicLea

    Living Wage Funder

    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is a Living Wage funder. Read more to find out what that means for our funding.

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  • Back to Ours-Outdoor performance-a boy is doing a headstand on a checkered makeshift board as a crowd watches and claps along


    Learn about our approach to safeguarding at each stage of our funding process.

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Learn more about our funding

  • Zoielogic Dance Theatre

    Our funding data

    We publish all our grants and social investments on 360Giving, an initiative that aims to help UK funders share their data in an open and standard format online.

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  • Praxis Community Projects, Brighter Futures

    Funding partnerships

    We want to be at the forefront of new approaches to funding - working in partnership with other funders and organisations to increase our reach and make more of a difference.

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  • Styal Prison.jpg

    Funding Plus

    We offer a range of capacity building support to organisations we fund to help them achieve greater impact.

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Finding more support