Gender justice: grants

Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse

In 2023, we made 15 grants, totalling £2.5m, in our Gender justice priority. On this page, you can explore all our Gender justice grants.

Grants are listed with the most recent at the top. If you're having trouble exploring the grants list below, you can also explore and filter the results using 360Giving's GrantNav.

If you are interested in applying for funding under this priority, please see our guidance for support to learn more about the work we're looking to support under the relevant long-term outcome. You can also watch our Q&A webinar on our Gender, Migrant and Racial justice priorities.

You can also find stories about our funding in gender justice further down this page.

Zoielogic Dance Theatre

Our funding data

Learn more about our funding data and how to search our grants.

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Unlocking change


  • Agenda Alliance


    Agenda Alliance exists to make a difference to the lives of women and girls who are at the sharpest end of inequality.

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  • Tender Image 4.jpg


    Tender is an arts charity working with young people to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence through creative projects. They work to promote healthy relationships, challenging harmful attitudes which support abuse, and empowering young people to seek help.

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  • Gendered Intelligence logo

    Gendered Intelligence

    Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led organisation working to ensure that trans, non-binary, gender-diverse and gender-questioning people can live healthy, safe and fulfilled lives. They aim to support everyone to be more intelligent about gender by bringing understanding, cross-sector working, and a grassroots youthwork perspective to their engagement.

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  • Imkaan logo


    Imkaan is the umbrella women’s organisation for organisations addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls in the UK. They provide strategic advocacy and support, and a representative voice for their members.

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  • Hibiscus_MP_Visit©Kate_Stanworth-63.jpg

    Hibiscus Initiatives

    Hibiscus Initiatives enables marginalised migrant women trapped in the immigration and criminal justice systems to rebuild their lives.

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  • Circles SE.png

    Circles South East

    Circles South East supports people affected by sexual abuse in their recovery and works to reduce the instances of sexual abuse. They take an inclusive and rounded approach to preventing sexual harm, which includes working with survivors, perpetrators, family members, and the wider community to ensure the cycle of abuse is broken and reoffending prevented.

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