Children and young people's rights: grants

JustRight Scotland

In 2023, we made 29 grants, totalling £5.5m, in our Children and young people's rights funding priority. On this page, you can explore grants made in this priority.

Grants are listed with the most recent at the top. If you're having trouble exploring the grants list below, you can also explore and filter the results using 360Giving's GrantNav.

If you are interested in applying for funding under this priority, please see our guidance for support to learn more about the work we're looking to support under the relevant long-term outcome. You can also watch our Q&A webinar on our Children and young people's rights priority.

You can also find stories about our funding in children and young people's rights further down this page.

Zoielogic Dance Theatre

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Unlocking change


  • 4FRONT.png

    The 4FRONT Project

    The 4Front Project is a member-led youth organisation that envisions an equitable world in which young people experience justice, love and peace, so they have the freedom to thrive and fulfil their dreams.

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    Parent-Infant Foundation

    The Parent-Infant Foundation brings together the infant and mental health sector through collaborative leadership – enabling them to share learning and provide support to each other. They also bridge the gap between academics, professionals and decision-makers to drive changes that will lead to better relationships between babies and their parents.

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  • We Belong

    We Belong

    We met the team at We Belong, a relatively new charity that is run by, and for, young migrants in the UK. They engage young migrants in advocating for a fairer immigration system, and provide them with the tools to speak out about injustice and become agents of change.

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  • Art therapy with Grace photo .png

    Power The Fight

    Power The Fight tackles violence affecting young people by creating long-term solutions for sustainable change and act as a link between the community and policy makers.

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  • Just for Kids Law - ambassadors at dinner.jpg

    Just for Kids Law

    Just for Kids Law works with and for young people to ensure their legal rights are respected and promoted, and their voices are heard and valued.

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