Social Investment: Guidance for support

Woodland Trust

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This guidance is for organisations looking for social investment.

If you're interested in our grant funding, click here.


We have additional accessibility-related support available for applicants who have an accessibility issue with our application process, including an Access Payment to support you to apply. You can request any information from us in a more accessible format to you. You can do this by email or phone: 020 7812 3700.

If helpful, you can also download this social investment guidance as a Word document.

Download a sample application form

You can download a sample Expression of Interest form as a Word document. Please note that this is for guidance only. To submit an application, you will need to do this using our online application system.

About this guidance

Please note this guidance is for applications for social investment. If you are seeking grant funding, please click here for more information.

There are three sections to the social investment guidance:

A. How to apply

Information about the 6 steps to apply.

B. Are we the right funder for you?

Information about what we do and don't support.

C. Our strategy

If you want to submit an Expression of Interest, read more detail about our aims and funding priorities first. You only need to read the parts relevant to your work.

Read the parts relevant to your work to help you understand if we would be a good fit as a funder.

Navigating this guidance
  • Use the contents menu to navigate between the different sections of the guidance.
  • You can go back to the contents menu at the top by clicking 'back to top' in the bottom right hand corner of the window.