Our work

Insights and learning

Little Ouse Headwaters Project (LOHP)

We learn so that we, and the organisations we work with, can make intelligent and evidence-based decisions about how to be effective in a complex environment.

Our approach to learning is guided by two questions:

  1. What does the world look like for the issues, organisations and people we support?
  2. Where are we making most and least progress and why?

Below you'll find our insights reports - sharing what we've learned from our funding - along with research or evaluation reports we've commissioned, and key publications from work we fund.

Do also take a look in Latest for news and blogs about our work.


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    Who our funding is reaching 2024

    Who our funding is reaching is our annual report based on diversity data gathered from applicants based on the DEI Data Standard. This page shares analysis from data collected in 2024. It also covers geographic areas served and the governance structure of organisations funded.

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    The RACE Report 2024: Esmée’s progress

    The third annual RACE (Racial Action for the Climate Emergency) Report shares findings on the diversity of environment organisations and funders including Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. We share our initial reflections and plans to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the environment sector.

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  • Commuity mointoring Credit Seawilding

    Supporting marine restoration and communities to take action

    In a second blog about our work for healthy seas, Esmée’s Funding Manager, Morven Robertson, highlights some of the projects we’re supporting through our space for nature priority – from large scale marine and coastal restoration and attracting the finance needed for it, to coastal communities taking action, and improving the diversity of the marine sector.

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