Unlocking change

Creative Civic Change (Local Trust)

Creative Civic Change

Creative Civic Change (CCC) is an experimental funding programme designed to fund and test ways in which culture and creativity can support community change.

It was set up as a funding partnership between Local Trust, National Lottery Community Fund, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Run by Local Trust, CCC is modelled on their Big Local programme, which supports communities to take the lead in achieving their ambitions for where they live. In addition to offering flexible, long-term funding, it provides mentoring and a peer learning programme.

The great thing about Creative Civic Change is that it’s not bureaucratic and it’s not about targets, tick-boxes, or outcomes. It’s very human and understands that all humans have it in them to be creative.

Billy Daesin, REMAKE
Alison Holdom, Funding Manager, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

Creative Civic Change is an innovative programme that demonstrates how the arts, culture and creativity can have a strong part to play in community-led, place-based regeneration.

Local residents are at the heart of the change. They are supported to design and develop solutions to meet genuine local needs and are the decision-makers. Initially operating in 15 communities across England, the programme has resulted in strong learning and a variety of approaches and models, which can inform arts and community cohesion practice across the country.

The partnership also highlights how different funders, organisations and partnerships can work together to deliver arts-based projects with a social impact as well as the value of a community-led approach.

Grace Bremner, Senior Programme Coordinator – Creative Civic Change, Local Trust

The 15 Creative Civic Change communities have taught us funders so much about what it takes to deliver genuine community led change. Their ambition, determination and heart is constantly inspiring and challenges us to do better.

Learn more about Creative Civic Change.

Connection to Esmée's strategy

Long-term outcomes
  • Local people and local artists lead creative and cultural activity in their communities.

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