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Graeae Theatre

  • Still Standing by Victor Ehikhamenor, St Paul's Cathedral - Image credit: Igwatala

    Inclusive Histories: engaging communities to reflect our shared past

    A new report on Inclusive Histories by British Future explores how arts and culture organisations are reflecting the complexity of our shared past, engaging communities to help shape the work, and navigating polarised responses.

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    Our response to the draft Children’s Social Care National Framework

    Janet Grauberg, Esmée’s learning partner for our Leaving Care Learning Programme, shares her reflections on the Government’s draft Children’s Social Care Framework and Dashboard, and how we and organisations we work with, have responded.

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    Annual Report and Accounts for 2022

    Our 2022 Annual Report gives an overview of our operations, funding and investments during the year.

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  • Theatr Clwyd-Windows 4

    Funding Plus 2023 survey findings

    We asked people to share their experiences of capacity building support to help us understand what organisations most need right now.

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  • University of Derby Theatre-Odyssey - credit Earta Johnson.jpg

    Pre-application Q&A webinar: 20 June 2023

    We're hosting a pre-application Q&A webinar on 20 June for organisations interested in applying to Esmée for support who have questions about our application process or guidance.

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    Update to Esmée’s expression of interest form

    We are making a couple of updates to our expression of interest form for applicants, which will be in place from 26 June. Applicants submitting an expression of interest before this date will still be able to do so using our existing form.

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  • RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission report

    Invitation to Tender: review of Nature friendly farming

    We're looking for someone to carry out a review to inform how we deliver our Nature friendly farming strategy.

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    Impact of the rising cost of living on organisations we fund

    At the beginning of 2023, we offered most organisations we fund a 10% uplift on their grant to support them with the rising cost of living. We asked those with higher incomes how rising costs are impacting their work. Esmée's Learning Officer, Philippa Wilkinson, shares a snapshot of what people told us.

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  • Coram Family and Childcare LTD-Fam - 148.jpg

    Funding in memory of Baroness Linklater of Butterstone

    The Trustees of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation have made a grant of £160,000 to the charity Coram Family and Childcare in memory of Baroness Veronica Linklater, who was a Trustee of the Foundation from 1990 to 2013, and sadly died in December 2022.

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