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Graeae Theatre

  • Strategic plan 2020-2025.png

    New strategy

    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has launched a new strategy focusing on our natural world, a fairer future and creative, confident communities.

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    Raising new money for nature

    Defra, the Environment Agency, and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, with the support of Triodos Bank UK, have formed a collaboration to support environmental projects to attract private sector or other investment to help tackle climate change and restore nature.

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  • Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment

    Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment

    We are pleased to share a new report: Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment, which we commissioned to review the current landscape for innovative funding of environmental enhancement across the UK.

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    Launch of the Climate Assembly UK

    We are delighted to see the launch of Climate Assembly UK, which will be facilitated by Involve, who are funded by the House of Commons with additional funding from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the European Climate Foundation.

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  • RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

    Food, Farming and Countryside Commission: Our future in the land

    The Food, Farming & Countryside Commission calls for a bold and urgent transition to a sustainable food system by 2030 and sets out recommendations for policymakers, business and communities to respond to the challenges.

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  • Insights from our Environment and Food funding

    Insights from our Environment and Food funding

    Our latest Insights report shares specific learning from our funding from our Environment and Food sectors. It's written for funders, charities, and anyone else in the UK who is working to bring about a more sustainable world.

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