Training opportunities in 2022 with Funding Plus

Peckham Platform

We're in the process of developing a training programme for the year ahead as part of our Funding Plus support. To help us, we want to hear from organisations we fund about the training opportunities they would be interested in.

The training will be available to organisations we fund, with dates confirmed by the end of March.

As we have a limited budget, training places will be limited to organisations we fund that have not received Funding Plus support since 1 January 2019. We are contacting those eligible for the training with a short survey to complete as well as information on how to register their interest. If you think you should have heard from us, but haven’t, please get in touch by emailing:

Training opportunities in 2022

In 2022, tried and tested training programmes will be offered alongside some new opportunities. These include the following:

Virtual Experience Exchange

A co-learning forum for CEOs or directors of Esmée-funded organisations in which all participants bring their collective experiences and learning together to form new insight, ideas and energy. These two-hour sessions use an action learning approach to focus on topics of common interest and importance across the sector.

Previous session topics include:

  • Improving internal and external communications during crises or significant change
  • Engaging more deeply and effectively with the users of services and their communities
  • Understanding what DEI means to the organisation and making them a real part of behaviours, decisions and culture

Virtual Experiences Exchanges begin with a participant briefly sharing from their own experience, the context of the challenge or opportunity, actions taken, and key learning. This is followed by a facilitated discussion, under Chatham House rules, in which all participants can ask questions, share their own experiences, and test new ideas.

Scaling impact and building resilience workshops

A facilitated one-day session on business development designed to get to the heart of an enterprise’s impact, business model and financial standing. The workshop can be thought of as a mirror being held up to your organisation.

Through active learning and self-assessment, the workshop can help organisations identify clear goals to unlock income streams. It also acts as a tool to help identify any bottlenecks including investment gaps/opportunities that can accelerate the growth, and impact focused business models that are already beginning to demonstrate potential.

To get the most benefit from the session your organisation must have:

  • A turnover of at least £250k
  • A minimum of 30% of income from some form of trading
  • An interest in exploring options to diversify income
  • A willing and engaged team (including a mix of trustees, senior management and front-line staff)
Taking action on climate change

A series of one-hour webinars or workshops to help your organisation understand the consequences of your work in relation to climate change, and the actions you can take to reduce your organisation’s environmental impact.

Possible topics include:

  • Climate change explained
  • How to design a communications campaign to inspire climate action
  • How to inspire and support communities to take climate action

More resources


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