This page has specific FAQs about our social investment. You may also find your question in our main FAQ.
1. Where can I find social investments examples?
You can explore recent social investments we have made and see more examples on our social investment stories page. We also have a page with an overview of our social investment portfolio broken down by aim and by investment product type.
2. How do I upload an audio or video recording for my application
We accept video and audio submissions using any major platform. If you're uploading a video, we recommend setting the privacy of that video to 'Unlisted' unless you are comfortable with your video appearing in public searches and browsing.
If you require your video to be password protected, please submit the link as instructed in the expression of interest form. When you receive the automated confirmation email, reply with the password for the video.
If you're having issues uploading and sharing the file, below are some links to tutorials on how to get started.
File hosting sites
- Google Drive (note that you will need choose the "Anyone with the link" option when sharing the file)
- Dropbox
Video hosting sites
Audio hosting sites
3. What are your standard investment terms?
As an impact-first investor we don’t have standard terms - we aim to find the right investment mechanism for each investment. Overall, we are aiming to get our money back in order to recycle it, and this requires charging an interest, rate or equivalent, to cover losses.
We understand that for social investment to be effective and accessible it often needs to be more affordable, flexible and patient than mainstream finance.
4. Is social investment appropriate for my organisation
Good Finance offers free tools and resources to help you understand the different types of social investment available, whether it's right for your organisation, and a directory of social investors you can search.

Poetic Unity