Social Investment

Hubbub UK

We take an impact-first approach to social investment, shaping investment to support our aims.

We start with the social or environmental need and tailor the investment, offering complete flexibility. Co-design and learning are integral to our process. As well as making direct investments into organisations seeking to create impact towards our aims, we also invest into impact funds, which are managed by other social investors.

Apply for social investment
SASC, Winner, Preston Road Women's Centre

Explore our social investments

Since making our first social investment in 1997, we have approved over £80m in 200 plus social investments.

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Repowering London-community solar panel.png

Apply for social investment

Learn more about what we do and don't support, along with information about the application process.

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Learn more

For free tools and resources to help you navigate the world of social investment, visit Good Finance.

Insights and Learning

  • The Rivers Trust - Thames Rivers Trust, checking water quality (credit: Paul Colley)

    Understanding impact in social investments

    Understanding the impact of our social investments is critical for our learning and ensuring that we are an effective investor. In a new report, we outline how we assess the difference each social investment is intended to make, how we track its progress over time, and how that shapes our learning as an investor.

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  • FairforYou_2.jpg

    How our impact-first approach led us to our first Perpetual Bond

    We share our learning from our social investment into Fair for You and our first Perpetual Bond along with how it could open up finance options for social purpose organisations looking for equity-like investment.

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  • Investing for Good, Impact-linked finance report

    Impact-linked finance: what do we know about it so far?

    A new report by Investing for Good, and commissioned by Esmée, provides a global review of impact-linked finance and explores the potential for adaptability for the UK social and impact investment market.

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  • Social-Change-Home-Page-Highlight_560x560px.jpg

    Insights in Brief: Social Investment and COVID-19

    A new report sharing what we've learned from our social investments in light of Coronavirus, and how we could use this to inform the stages of rescue, recovery and revival.

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  • Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment

    Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment

    We are pleased to share a new report: Emerging funding opportunities for the natural environment, which we commissioned to review the current landscape for innovative funding of environmental enhancement across the UK.

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  • Insights from 10 years of social investment

    Evolution not revolution, 10 years of social investment

    To mark the 10th anniversary of our Social Investment Fund, we’ve written a report reflecting on the achievements, insights and lessons learned to date.

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  • Close up of hands patting soil down after planting

    Playing to our strengths: social and impact investing

    Jonny Page, Esmée's Director of Social and Impact Investment, writes about how we're working towards aligning our investments with our mission to drive social and environmental impact across key areas like social justice, conservation, and community development.

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  • Close up of hands patting soil down after planting

    A thematic approach to impact investing

    With the launch of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation’s first deep dive into thematic impact investing, our Head of Social and Impact Investment, Jonny Page outlines our thematic approach to impact investing.

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  • Close up of someone holding a wooden box full of vegetables

    Sustainable food and agriculture: Investment deep dive

    We're excited to share our first deep dive into thematic impact investing, which focuses on sustainable food and agriculture.

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  • Think for the Future.png

    Using social investment to secure a fairer future

    Tom Colborne, Esmée’s Social Investment Portfolio Manager, writes about our social investment plans to support in a fairer future. This is part of a series of blogs on how our social investment strategy will contribute to Esmée’s mission.

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  • SharpFutures Content Creatives group at The Sharp Project - copyright SharpFutures

    Esmée’s allocation to social investment increased to £60m

    We are delighted to announce that Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is increasing our allocation to social investment to £60m.

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  • Ughill Farm-Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust

    Collaborative learning about investing for environmental impact

    Jenny Sansom from Environmental Funders Network and Tom Colborne from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation share progress from the Environmental Finance and Learning Fund.

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