Our Natural World

Space for nature


Protecting and creating more space for nature enables the restoration of damaged ecosystems and degraded landscapes. It's also important that the benefits of being close to nature are accessible to all.

The scale of nature’s decline in the UK cannot be addressed by our existing nature reserves, nor without fundamentally changing the way we use land. Fortunately, this decline is mirrored by a growing movement for connecting with nature and for finding and creating more wild spaces for nature - enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes.

This is a good time to encourage people’s enthusiasm for achieving better land use, and to build the evidence for policy makers. As well as supporting restoration of nature across the UK, we also want to engage communities to lead change so that nature is accessible to all.

What we want to achieve

Impact goal

Preserved and improved species health and habitats

Long-term outcomes
  • Space for nature, and biodiversity, is restored at scale on land and at sea.
  • More nature rich spaces for people to access and enjoy, particularly those facing barriers to doing so.

If you are interested in applying for funding on under this priority, please see our guidance for support.

Adur and Worthing District Councils-Sussex Bay ©Sussex Bay aerial view (Worthing)

Latest grants

In 2024, we made 24 grants, totalling £4.8m, in our Space for nature funding priority. On this page, you can find the latest grants awarded.

Find out more
Unlocking change



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