Unlocking change

Asylum Reform Initiative

Together with Refugees

The Asylum Reform Initiative is a collaboration between six national refugee and asylum charities. It was created to help the sector work together in a more efficient and strategic way. In 2021, they launched the Together with Refugees coalition for a kinder, fairer and more effective approach to supporting refugees in the UK.

Asylum Reform Initiative’s work includes a joint programme of effective influencing of decision-makers on refugee and asylum policy; and work with the wider sector and allies to develop and implement a shared proactive strategy to build public and political support for long-term change in the system.

The Together for Refugees coalition includes grassroots, community and refugee-led groups, international development charities, trade unions and faith groups, as well as individuals. In a short space of time, they have received extensive media coverage and created a space for a wider support base and extended networks who support a kinder, fairer and more effective system.

Connection to Esmée's strategy

  • Migrant justice
Long-term outcomes
  • Migrants have improved access to legal help to exercise their rights.
  • Legislation and support ensure that migrants' rights are protected, and reflects their needs.
  • Public understanding and discussion of migration issues is better informed, particularly by those with lived experience of the migration system.

The Asylum Reform Initiative is an interesting approach, bringing the sector together, working across sectors, collaborating and creating space and connection for a better asylum system to be developed.

Laura Lines, Funding Manager and Social Change Lead, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

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