Unlocking change


Restoke (photo by Jenny Harper)

Restoke is an arts organisation based in Stoke on Trent which addresses social issues through creative co-production, participation, and interdisciplinary practice. They offer free access to creative opportunities and produces community performances which centre and celebrate the lived-experience and the places which matter to local people.

Based at Fenton Town Hall, Restoke is building a civic space for local people, testing the role that the arts can play in local communities by providing connection, joy and social action. Restoke’s performances centre diverse stories and speak from lived experience. It has a regular children’s company offer and is expanding its work with young people, aiming to raise aspirations and platform young voices and experiences. Restoke has also developed an approach to evaluation which allows interventions to be shaped by the community as the stakeholders of the work, which is attracting attention from other organisations working in co-creation.

Connection to Esmée's strategy

Long-term outcomes
  • Local people and local artists lead creative and cultural activity in their communities.

It has been a lifeline. There are some times when I can feel quite internal and struggle to get going. Knowing the [Restoke] workshops are on and I will have a good time gets me there… it is a brilliant way to connect with myself, feel centred and have a lot of fun.

Restoke workshop attendee
From Alison Holdom, Funding Manager Lead, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation:

Restoke's approach to community creativity is a strong example of how local people and local artists can work together, forming new bonds and understanding. As part of a growing ecology of arts organisations with an ethos of co-creation and wellbeing, Restoke shows the power of collaboration with its communities, artists and other creative organisations.

From Clare Reynolds, Co-Director, Restoke:

Restoke is a community arts organisation who put the people of Stoke-on-Trent at the heart of creative adventures. We make performances, plan events and run workshops alongside people who may not usually meet, forming new bonds of friendship, understanding and solidarity in the city.

Restoke began in 2009 as a collaboration between three artists from Stoke-on-Trent, and is still led by two of the founding artists. Thanks to funding from Esmee Fairbairn we have been able to take on major challenges and deliver transformational projects in Stoke-on-Trent over the last few years including:

  • Restoring and running The Ballroom at Fenton Town Hall as a space for creativity and community.
  • Delivering an ongoing programme of free workshops in the Ballroom for all ages.
  • Making ambitious community performances which centre people’s lived experiences.
  • Joining national networks related to co-creation, touring and social justice.

We are hugely grateful to our funders who make it possible for us to dance, sing and create with people in Stoke-on-Trent!

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