Community-led art and creativity: grants

Entelechy Arts

See all our grants towards our Community-led art and creativity funding priority.

Grants are listed with the most recent at the top. If you're having trouble exploring the grants list below, you can also explore and filter the results using 360Giving's GrantNav.

If you are interested in applying for funding under this priority, please see our guidance for support to learn more about the work we're looking to support under the relevant long-term outcome.

You can also find stories about our funding in community-led art and creativity further down this page.

Zoielogic Dance Theatre

Our funding data

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Unlocking change


  • Creative Civic Change.JPG

    Creative Civic Change

    Creative Civic Change is an experimental funding programme designed to fund and test ways in which culture and creativity can support community change.

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  • Arts festival with B-Arts in Stoke-on-Trent

    B-Arts: Using art and creativity to transform the community of Stoke

    B-Arts is a participatory arts and theatre company based in Stoke. They use arts and creativity to improve lives and transform people's lives and the communities they live in.

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  • Bentley Priory.JPG

    Museums Association and Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund

    The Collections Fund provides funding to a range of projects that demonstrate the significance, distinctiveness and power of collections to people.

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  • Back to Ours-Bus tour-A large group of people cheer with raised hands on top of a open top bus with Back to Ours on it

    Back to Ours

    Back to Ours is a community-led creative arts organisation, producing outstanding arts and cultural experiences with and for the people of Hull.

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  • Create Gloucestershire 2

    Create Gloucestershire

    Create Gloucestershire is a network of people and organisations from across the arts and cultural sector. They work with a range of strategic partners from across different sectors (including GPs, job centres, local authorities and the criminal justice and voluntary sectors) to research, test and share ideas to encourage arts to become “everyday” in Gloucestershire.

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