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Graeae Theatre

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    Our commitment and strategy to be net zero

    We have made a commitment that our investment portfolio will be net zero in terms of carbon emissions by 2040 at the latest.

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    Training opportunities with Funding Plus

    We're in the process of developing a training programme for the year ahead as part of our Funding Plus support. The training will be available to organisations we fund, with dates confirmed by the end of March.

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  • The Rivers Trust - Thames Rivers Trust, checking water quality (credit: Paul Colley)

    Understanding impact in social investments

    Understanding the impact of our social investments is critical for our learning and ensuring that we are an effective investor. In a new report, we outline how we assess the difference each social investment is intended to make, how we track its progress over time, and how that shapes our learning as an investor.

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    Temporary closure to applications in A Fairer Future

    As we develop our strategy for A Fairer Future, we will close to new applications - in funding priorities for A Fairer Future only - from January to May 2022. We remain open to applications in Our Natural World and Creative, Confident Communities.

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    Environmental Finance and Learning Fund

    Together with the Environmental Funders Network (EFN), we have launched a collaborative Environmental Finance and Learning Fund to help unlock significant new funding for nature recovery.

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    Young People Leaving Care funding: Insights from our Learning Programme

    As part of our support for organisations we fund through our Young People Leaving Care funding, we commissioned a Learning Programme to facilitate learning, collaboration and alliances between the funded organisations, and with Esmée ourselves. This Insights report outlines our approach and what we've learned so far.

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    Building an impact-first social investment strategy

    We share what being impact-first means in practice and what we've learned.

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    Insights from place-led funding

    Read our Insights report where we share learning from the place-led funding we’ve done over the past five years, which has informed and shaped our strategy in Creative, Confident Communities.

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    Creative, Confident Communities: update to our strategy

    As our work for Creative, Confident Communities has developed, we have updated our strategy to better reflect what we hope to achieve and the types of work we are looking to support.

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