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Graeae Theatre

  • Graeae Theatre: The Threepenny Opera - Photo Patrick Baldwin

    A Fairer Future: updated guidance and Q&A webinars

    We reopen to applications in A Fairer Future on 12 October 2022. See our updated guidance on how to apply and watch our Q&A webinars about the new strategy.

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    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation welcomes new Chair

    We are delighted to welcome Beatrice Hollond as the new Chair of our Trustee Board. Beatrice takes over from Sir Jonathan Phillips who has been Chair since 2019.

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    Racial, Gender, and Migrant justice Q&A

    Watch our Q&A webinar on our priorities for Racial justice, Gender justice, and Migrant justice. We also answer more questions that we didn't get to during the webinar.

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    Children and young people's rights Q&A

    Watch our Q&A webinar on our priority for Children and young people's rights. We also answer more questions that we didn't get to during the webinar.

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  • Esmée staff away day

    Esmée staff and Trustee diversity data 2022

    We carry out an annual survey of Trustees and staff to help us track progress on the diversity of our people. Read more about our 2022 results.

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    Arts and creativity making change Q&A

    Watch our Q&A webinar on Arts and creativity making change. We also answer more questions that we didn't get to during the webinar.

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    A Fairer Future – developing a new strategy

    Veda Harrison, Director of Creative, Confident Communities and A Fairer Future, shares our new strategy for A Fairer Future. We will open to applications in A Fairer Future in October 2022.

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    Using Most Significant Change to understand outcomes for young people leaving care

    We asked the Centre for Youth Impact to run a series of workshops on ‘Most Significant Change’ for organisations on Esmée’s Young People Leaving Care Learning Programme. Learn more about the approach and read the stories of change from participants.

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    How we work with the Involving Young People Collective

    Catherine Hillis, Esmée’s children and young people lead outlines how we’re working with the Involving Young People Collective to improve our practice and support for young people.

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