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Graeae Theatre

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    Blue Spaces - Wales, Mannau Glas – Cymru: Call for expressions of interest

    Blue Spaces – Wales is a new initiative to support imaginative approaches to looking after local freshwaters – rivers, streams, lakes, canals and ponds. As part of this, we're launching an open call for ideas and projects in Wales.

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    Funder Commitment on Climate Change: 2022 update

    Read our 2022 update on our work towards the six goals of the Funder Commitment on Climate Change.

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  • Action for Conservation

    Invitation to Tender: mapping work on diversity in the environment sector

    We are commissioning a review of existing and planned initiatives which aim to address a lack of diversity in the environment sector in the UK.

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    Diversity, equity and inclusion: progress 2020 to 2022

    A summary of key actions we have taken from 2020 to 2022 to make progress on our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

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    Cost of living uplift

    Caroline Mason, Esmée's Chief Executive shares her reflections on the additional support we are offering to most organisations we fund in response to the rising cost of living.

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    Remembering Baroness Veronica Linklater

    Baroness Veronica Linklater was a Trustee at Esmée Fairbairn Foundation from 1990 to 2013.

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    Esmée's response to the Cost of Living crisis

    In recognition of the extraordinary rise in the cost of living over the past year, we are committing an extra £7.4m to organisations we fund who are being affected by rising costs.

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    Reflections on the Commission on Culture and Local Government

    Following the publication of the Commission on Culture and Local Government’s final report, Cornerstones of Culture, Veda Harrison, Esmée’s Director of Creative, Confident Communities and A Fairer Future, shares her reflections.

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    Who is our funding reaching 2022

    Using the DEI Data Standard, we started gathering data on organisations we fund as well as those applying to us so that we can better understand who our funding is reaching, and make progress towards our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.

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