Latest news

Graeae Theatre

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    Increasing our funding for racial justice: a first step

    We are offering organisations in our portfolio that are led by and for racialised communities additional unrestricted funding. A total of £2m has been made available, which will be split equally between the organisations that meet the criteria for this funding.

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    Q&A on Esmée's new strategy and how we make decisions

    Watch our webinar on our new strategy and how we make decisions. The Esmée Team also share more detail around our impact goals and priorities under each aim.

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    Creativity is Everywhere

    Watch our webinar, Creativity is Everywhere, where our panel of experts share their perspective of what it means to take a truly collaborative approach to culture and creativity.

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    Unlocking change webinars

    EVENTS ON MULTIPLE DATES: To bring our new strategy to life, we’re holding three webinars to explore ways of unlocking change for our three aims: Our Natural World; A Fairer Future; and Creative, Confident, Communities

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    Using hackathons and human-centred design to help us involve young people in Esmée’s work

    Betty Mayo, a young consultant with our Involving Young People Collective writes about how we’re using hackathons and human-centred design to help us to embed young people’s insights into our work and why they’re a great method for innovation and problem-solving within communities.

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    New strategy

    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has launched a new strategy focusing on our natural world, a fairer future and creative, confident communities.

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    Arts & Culture Impact Fund

    Building on the success of the Arts Impact Fund, this new fund is the most ambitious of its kind globally, with an investment pool of £20 million.

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