Unlocking change

Fauna & Flora International

The Coastal Communities Network is one part of Fauna & Flora International's plans to bring new voices to marine protection in Scotland.

Fauna & Flora International are an unusual organisation for Esmee to fund, being a large NGO which works globally on many biodiversity projects. However, their methodology is all about creating lasting local partnerships, using the advantages of a large NGO (convening power and access to decision makers) to align smaller organisations that have a local mandate and to help them respond to threats and opportunities.

Working with partners - particularly COAST (Community of Arran Seabed Trust) - Fauna & Flora International has set up the Coastal Communities Network - with a vision for Scotland’s seas to be abundant in biodiversity and resilient to future changes, providing sustainable and diverse livelihoods to those living around them, into perpetuity.

The Network connects communities around's Scotland's shores and brings them together to share knowledge and expertise, and develop the community voice for inshore waters. Though different groups will have diverse needs and views, they share a vision of a sea that is abundant in biodiversity and resilient to future changes, which provides sustainable and diverse livelihoods to those living around them, into perpetuity.

Connection to Esmée's strategy

Long-term outcomes
  • Fisheries in the UK are well and equitably managed, using low impact methods.
  • Coastal communities benefit from and have an active role in managing marine resources.

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