Our future in the land

The Food, Farming & Countryside Commission has published its report: Our future in the land. It calls for a bold and urgent transition to a sustainable food system by 2030 and sets out recommendations for policymakers, business and communities to respond to the challenges.

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Our Future in the land

The report makes the case for a food and farming system that is inclusive, fair, and delivers positive environmental, social, and health outcomes.

Healthy food is everybody’s business, and this report is full of recommendations for bold interventions and ideas. For instance: could citizens assemblies on healthy and sustainable diets overcome divisive issues in food pricing? Could carbon pricing decrease nitrate fertiliser use, and offer incentives to sequester carbon? And what could happen with radical restrictions on marketing foods high in sugar, salt, trans-fats, and processing?

Field Guide for the Future

The Commission has also published Field Guide for the Future, an accompanying guide to share stories and practical advice. It covers a range of farming tools and techniques including how to assess soil quality, vertical farming, natural flood management, and stewardship.

It's a great example of sharing learning between people working in the countryside. You'll find plenty of ideas for inspiration from growing food in Aberdeen, improving biodiversity in the Yorkshire Dales to agroforestry in Devon.

Share your story

The Field Guide for the Future has now moved online and if you've got a story or practical advice to share, you can contribute your story here.

Find our more about the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

The Food, Farming and Countryside Commission is now an independent charity. You can learn more about their work at ffcc.co.uk and follow them on Twitter at @FFC_Commission.