Invitation to Tender: Expanded Land Purchase Facility options

Woodland Trust, Smithills Estate

We're looking to work with a consultant to scope and design options for an expanded and collaborative Land Purchase Facility.

The deadline for this invitation to tender is 5pm on 18 April 2025. See the full Invitation to Tender.

Since 2009, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has made 44 social investments through our Land Purchase Facility (LPF), supporting conservation organisations to access a total of £29m to purchase land of high current or potential conservation value, with the option to buy it back in two years' time. This gives the organisation a fundraising window and builds their financial resilience through strengthening its balance sheet, so that a greater amount of social and environmental impact can be delivered over a longer period securely.

We believe that there is a role for a larger facility in the UK market, one that can support larger land purchases (greater than £2.5m) by bringing together investors and mission-aligned organisations. This would be additional and complimentary to Esmée's existing LPF, and could be hosted by Esmée or set up separately with Esmée support.

What we're looking for

We are seeking a consultant to work with a collaboration of interested partners including the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Woodland Trust, a community representative, Dan Hird (in his capacity as a consultant for Esmée), the Esmée team and another investor. These organisations will form a task and finish group to steer the work, the “steering group”. The consultant would take a phased approach with initial interest and principles agreed, before detailed design and consultation is undertaken.

The scoping exercise is expected to take place over a period of three months and we have a budget of £25,000. Proposals should be budgeted to fall within this range. This fee includes any charge for VAT and/or tax liabilities of the provider. Any additional costs (including any additional expenses) must be agreed with the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation in writing before they are incurred.

The successful consultant or consultancy team will demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of land and nature in a UK context.
  • Knowledge of impact/thematic investing.
  • Knowledge of natural capital investment funds.
  • Relevant and demonstrable experience of designing and launching investment vehicles.
  • Strong communication skills, including listening and questioning, and the ability to communicate information to a non-technical audience, both verbally and in writing.
  • Analytical and interpretation skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Creativity and flexibility to respond to issues quickly and adjust the approach to or style of delivery.
  • Commitment to our values and taking a values-based approach to research.

Registering your interest

If you are interested in this project, please

The closing date for proposals is 5pm on 18 April 2025. If you have any questions, please email Jonny at the email address above.

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