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Graeae Theatre

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    How we work with the Involving Young People Collective

    Catherine Hillis, Esmée’s children and young people lead outlines how we’re working with the Involving Young People Collective to improve our practice and support for young people.

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    Funding Youth Activism: learning from the Act for Change Fund

    A new report and resources share learning and insights on funding youth activism from over three years of the Act for Change Fund, a £3.6m partnership fund to support youth-led organisations to create and lead social change.

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    Values for co-production between Young People + Organisations

    Esmée's Involving Young People Collective share 10 values for co-production between young people and organisations. In this blog, Thalia and Betty, from the Collective, share how the work developed as well as their hopes that it will help to start conversations on best practice.

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    Review on children's social care in England published

    The Independent Review of Children's Social Care led by Josh McAllister shared its final report this week. Read a summary of the proposals from our learning partner for our Young People Leaving Care funding, alongside a summary of responses from organisations we fund, and the Government's response.

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    Working towards a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment sector

    We know that we cannot address the climate and nature crises without also addressing injustice and inequity in the environment sector. In a new blog, we share what we’ve been doing to support a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment sector.

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    Our strategy for A Fairer Future – an update

    Our A Fairer Future funding will now be closed to new applications until the autumn of 2022. We remain open to applications in Our Natural World and Creative, Confident Communities.

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    Temporary closure to applications in A Fairer Future

    As we develop our strategy for A Fairer Future, we will close to new applications - in funding priorities for A Fairer Future only - from January to May 2022. We remain open to applications in Our Natural World and Creative, Confident Communities.

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    Young People Leaving Care funding: Insights from our Learning Programme

    As part of our support for organisations we fund through our Young People Leaving Care funding, we commissioned a Learning Programme to facilitate learning, collaboration and alliances between the funded organisations, and with Esmée ourselves. This Insights report outlines our approach and what we've learned so far.

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    Lifelong Links: Building lasting relationships for young people in care

    Lifelong Links by charity Family Rights Group is an exciting initiative that works with young people in care to help them reconnect and build lasting relationships with family members and other people who care about them. We went to Scotland to hear more about it.

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