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Graeae Theatre

  • Annual report 2021.png

    Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2021

    Read our 2021 Annual Report, which gives an overview of our operations, funding and investments during 2021.

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    Working towards a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment sector

    We know that we cannot address the climate and nature crises without also addressing injustice and inequity in the environment sector. In a new blog, we share what we’ve been doing to support a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment sector.

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    Our strategy for A Fairer Future – an update

    Our A Fairer Future funding will now be closed to new applications until the autumn of 2022. We remain open to applications in Our Natural World and Creative, Confident Communities.

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    Championing peat and restoring peatland at scale

    Jenny Dadd, Funding Manager and Our Natural World Lead shares what we’ve been doing – working alongside our amazing partners – to champion peat as a climate superpower and restore peatland at scale.

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    Our roadmap for improving our natural world – what more can we do?

    To improve Our Natural World, we have developed a roadmap we have been working to. In a series of blogs, we share how we are getting on as well as our plans for the coming year.

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  • Wyre Natural Flood Management

    Financing nature's recovery – the £43 billion question

    In the second of our blogs on our roadmap for improving Our Natural World, Liam McAleese, Director of Our Natural World, shares what we’ve been doing to secure more money to finance nature’s recovery.

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    Introducing our Involving Young People Collective’s newest change-makers

    Kimberly Garande writes about her experience so far since joining Esmée’s Involving Young People Collective, and we also hear from the three other new young change-makers who have joined.

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    Foundation Practice Rating shows we have more to do

    We welcome the findings of the first Foundation Practice Rating report, which we think can support individual funders – including Esmée – to be more accountable, more transparent, and to make real progress on diversity, equity and inclusion.

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    Funder Commitment on Climate Change: 2021 update

    Read our 2021 update on our work towards the six goals of the Funder Commitment on Climate Change.

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