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Graeae Theatre

  • 20221018_120834

    The RACE Report: Esmée’s progress

    The second annual RACE (Racial Action for the Climate Emergency) Report shared its latest findings on the diversity of the environment sector. They also shared Transparency Cards for each participating organisation. Here, we share more about Esmée's Transparency Card.

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    Esmée staff and Trustee diversity data 2023

    We carry out an annual survey of Trustees and staff to help us track progress on the diversity of our people. In 2023, we also asked a question on salary to help us understand our gender and ethnicity pay gaps.

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  • OrganicLea-EFF visit5

    Pre-application Q&A webinar: 31 January

    Watch a pre-application Q&A we held on 31 January 2024 for organisations interested in applying to Esmée for support who have questions about our application process or guidance.

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  • Nature Friendly Farming Network - EFF visit

    Nature Friendly Farming: Mid-strategy review

    Read the findings from a mid-strategy review of Esmée's Nature Friendly Farming work, which explores the changing context for Nature Friendly Farming in the UK, the drivers and blockers of progress, and shares insights and recommendations for Esmée's work.

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    Changing how we fund youth-led culture and creativity

    We are changing how we fund youth-led culture and creativity and plan to share our plans for a new funding programme in the New Year. To prepare, we will close to applications towards youth-led culture and creativity at 5pm on 10 November 2023.

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  • Woodland Trust-Smithills Estate-Still

    Developing our social investment strategy to support our mission

    Jonny Page, Esmée’s Head of Social and Impact Investment, outlines our plans for social investment and the opportunities it offers to support our mission.

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  • Spiderweb

    Testing a new approach to make New Connections

    We want to test a new approach to funding and are ringfencing £1.5m for New Connections funding to find and support organisations that could not, or would not, usually apply to Esmée. For the first phase in 2023 and 2024, we are starting with work led by and for communities experiencing racial inequity.

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  • Urban flowers in Sheffield ©Paul Hobson

    Pre-application Q&A webinar: 27 September 2023

    We hosted a pre-application Q&A webinar on 27 September for organisations interested in applying to Esmée for support who have questions about our application process or guidance. Catch up on the recording and see all the questions answered.

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  • Strategic plan 2020-2025.png

    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation’s strategy extended to 2027

    Esmée’s Trustee Board have agreed a two-year extension to our 2020 strategy, committing to our current funding priorities to the end of 2027.

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