Advisory Panel for Our Natural World

Action for Conservation

We are delighted to be able to call on the support of a brilliant panel of experts to help us deliver our strategy for Our Natural World.

We have drawn together a group which has a real understanding of what it takes to make a practical, long-term difference on protecting and restoring our environment. The panel won't make funding decisions, but will play a vital role in:

  • Raising awareness of our strategy and our impact goals and supporting our ambition to collaborate.
  • Identifying new opportunities and giving access to knowledge and expertise from their networks.
  • Giving high-level, expert, strategic advice to our staff and Trustees.
  • Reflecting on our progress towards our impact goals.

Who is in our Advisory Panel?

  • Professor Ian Bateman, Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Exeter   
  • Emma Howard Boyd CBE, Chair, Client Earth and London Climate Resilience Review 
  • Kath Dalmeny, CEO, Sustain 
  • Trewin Restorick, Founder, Sizzle 
  • Daniel Seifu, Programme Officer, Tudor Trust 
  • Peter Young, Independent Environmental Chair/Trustee  

Meet our Advisory Members

Professor Ian J. Bateman

Professor Ian J. Bateman OBE, FRSA, FRSB

Professor Ian J. Bateman

Professor Ian J. Bateman OBE, FRSA, FRSB, is Professor of Environmental Economics and Director of the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) at the University of Exeter and Director of The South West Partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP).

Ian is a member of the Natural Capital Committee reporting to The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer and advising the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Member of the Board of the UK Joint Nature Conservation; Committee Member of the Environment Agency Long-Term Investment Scenarios Development Group (LTIS-DG); Member of British Standard Institute (BSI) Committee for establishing ISO standards for (i) Evaluating Natural Capital and (ii) Monetary valuation of environmental costs and benefits; Member of the South West Water Legislative, Resilience and Environmental Investment Board; Chief Editor of the journal Environmental and Resource Economics.

Ian was one of the architects of the H.M. Government 25 Year Environment Plan and a co-author of the H.M. Treasury Green Book guidelines for appraisal of public sector spending. Ian’s main research interests revolve around the issue of ensuring sustainable wellbeing through the integration of natural and social science knowledge. He is a Lifetime Fellow of both the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Arts and was awarded on OBE in 2013 for services to environmental science and policy. Ian was also recently awarded a Fellowship of the British Academy.

Kath Dalmeny

Kath Dalmeny

Kath Dalmeny

Kath Dalmeny has been Chief Executive of Sustain since 2016.

Sustain is the alliance for better food and farming, and Kath leads the alliance's response to Brexit and its profound implications for healthy and sustainable food, farming and fishing and developing the Campaign for a Better Food Britain. During 2018 she became a Commissioner for the RSA's Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, after having served on the steering group that led to its establishment.

Trewin Restorick

Trewin Restorick

Trewin Restorick

Trewin Restorick is Founder and CEO of the award-winning charity Hubbub UK which transforms the way environmental messages are communicated by bringing people and organisations together as a force for good.

Previously Trewin created Global Action Plan the UK’s leading environmental behaviour change charity. Trewin is a frequent media commentator on environmental issues and was trained by Al Gore as one of his climate change ambassadors. He has Chaired Student Hubs and been a trustee for the New Economics Foundation

Before starting Global Action Plan, Trewin was Director of Fundraising at Friends of the Earth where he created PaperRound London’s leading community recycling business. Prior to Friends of the Earth, Trewin worked at Plymouth City Council and produced a youth TV programme for the BBC called Something Else.

Peter Young

Peter Young

Peter Young

An environmentalist since the late 1970s, Peter Young worked mainly in the private sector. He is passionate about reversing nature’s decline, is an independent trustee of The Wildlife Trusts, and a member of his local Trusts in Montgomeryshire and Cumbria.

He chairs the Business Interest Group for the Valuing Nature Programme; the International Standards Committee on Sustainable Finance; and the British Standards Institute’s committee on sustainability. He is a trustee of the Green Purposes Company which regulates the Green Investment Bank (now Group), and the Broadway Initiative pushing for ambitious environmental legislation. Peter co-founded Aldersgate Group in 2007 and remains an active individual member.