Trustee and staff diversity data 2021

Esmée staff away day

We carry out an annual survey of Trustees and staff to help us track progress on the diversity of our people. Below, you can find the results of our most recent survey.

We first surveyed Trustees and staff in 2020 and repeated the survey in September 2021. Questions focused on a number of characteristics including ethnicity, gender, disability, age, faith and sexual orientation. In total, 51 members of staff and Trustees took part in our 2021 survey (compared to 43 people in 2020).


In 2020, 85% of Esmée staff and Trustees identified as White. Following staff changes and expansion of the Trustee board, the whole team is more ethnically diverse, with 74% identifying as White in 2021. For comparison, the UK as a whole is 86% White (see Ethnicity Facts and Figures).

The following chart and table shows the ethnicity breakdown of our Trustees, Senior Management Team (SMT), Funding Team and all our other staff in 2021.

Ethnicity distribution (figures in brackets are from 2020)
Trustees White: 82% (100%)
Mixed - White and Asian/Asian British: 9%
Mixed - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background: 9%
SMT White: 75% (83%)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean 25% (17%)
Funding Team White: 84% (80%)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean 8% (7%)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African 8%
All other staff White: 55% (75%)
Mixed - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background: 9% (13%)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African: 27% (13%)
Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian ethnicity: 9%


Overall, we are now 63% female, compared to 55% in 2020. No one identifies as anything other than male or female.

The following chart and table shows the gender breakdown of our Trustees, Senior Management Team (SMT), Funding Team and all our other staff in 2021.

Gender distribution (figures in brackets are from 2020)
Trustees Female: 55% (45%), Male: 45% (55%)
SMT Female: 50% (50%), Male: 50% (50%)
Funding Team Female: 77% (67%), Male: 23% (33%)
All other staff Female: 64% (50%), Male: 36% (50%)


In total, 9% of our people identified as disabled, compared to 3% in 2020. For comparison, 19% of working age adults in the UK are disabled (see Disability Facts and Figures from Scope).


Age, Sexual Orientation and Faith


All our Trustees are 45 and over, with the biggest age group being 55-64 years old (45%). There is a relatively even distribution of our staff across the age groups over 25 years old, with the biggest age group being 25-34 years old (31%).

Sexual orientation:

Overall, 5% identified as gay or lesbian, and 91% identified as heterosexual.


Most people said they were agnostic (30%) or atheist (25%). The single biggest religious group amongst our people is Christian (26%).